If the check box is checked, a 6th order Butterworth highpass filter is
used to filter out the frequencies below the frequency where the sweep starts.
This is useful if your sweep starts at a higher frequency. The impulse response will look cleaner when the low
frequency content is filtered out.
Important: If you are measuring phase, make sure the check box is NOT checked. This is because the filtering will affect the phase response.
If the check box is checked, resampling is used to reduce the sampling frequency.
If the sweep is set to end at a low frequency, the frequencies above this
frequency are not to be included and resampling can be used.
Note: The resampling decreases the sampling frequency of the measurement result. If this option is not used, noise blow-up may occur in the impulse response because of the high-frequency content that is not removed.
If the check box shown below is checked, the impulse response is limited to the length specified in the edit box shown below.