Card Deluxe

High quality card that showed good results in our tests, but note that it does not have a software mixer. Very good specifications, it has four built-in mono full size jack connectors. In order to get a correct measurement, the analog input monitoring must be turned off. If not, there will be an internal loop-back.


This is written by Mr. Al Pickard from Digital Audio Labs, Inc. that tested the card:

We had a customer that was having some trouble with the loopback test - it turned out that he had theinternal monitor loop turned on so he was getting feedback. All is well now.


As far as the latency is concerned, there is a feature on the CardDeluxe Configuration Panel (access via Device Manager) that is designed to eliminate latency variations.  In the "Record mode" section of the Configuration tab, there is a button labeled "Lock to playback".  Selecting this will insure that the record and playback channels start together, so the latency will always be the same number of samples. I tried several tests with this set both ways, and it was always stable.  But I have seen variations of a sample or two in other applications when "Lock to playback" is not selected.  It depends on the CPU speed, OS, etc.


More details are found at