Glossary of Terms
Hardware Requirements
Installation and Registering
Sound card settings
Tested Sound Cards
The first measurements walk-through
Program Setups
Troubleshooting and Known Issues
FAQ: General
FAQ: Measurements
FAQ: Plotting and Post Processing
Plotting - general information
Plot Chart Settings
How to change the curve type?
How to change the curve style (color, type and width)?
How to change the background color
How to plot figures in black and white only (e.g. for publishing articles)?
How to change the order of curves?
How to erase curves from the plot?
How to choose between plotting several curves and a single curve?
How to display one single curve and set the other curves as invisible?
How to display the legend (a list of the curves that are in the plot)?
How to "turn off" a single curve from the plot without deleting it?
When printing a plot, why is the plot squeezed to the left corner?
How to change the text (and the title, sub title, sub foot, foot) and to store these settings?
How to change the names displayed in the legend?
How to move the legend to an arbitrary position, e.g. inside the plot?
The legend list is filled up, how to solve this?
How to access zoom options, e.g. to turn the mouse zooming on/off ?
How to zoom the plot with the mouse?
Personal versions only: How to move the curves away from the nag screen?
How to scroll the plot using the mouse?
How to turn on and modify gridlines
The left axis labels is wrong, how to change this?
How to set the axis labels format?
How to set the axis label increment?
How to display the numerical values of the Magnitude Frequency Response Guidelines?
How to find the maximum frequency and its value?
How to add a box displaying the cursor values?
How to delete a text box from a plot?
How to add cursor values and a box with custom text to a plot?
How to add a cursor that follows a curve?
How to make a cursor to follow a curve when there are several curves of the same measurement?
How can curves in the plot remain so that they are there when WinMLS is restarted?
How to print graphs at very high quality
How to remove PASSED/FAILED text from the plot area?
How to remove "Illegal for commercial usage and research" nag screen when upgrading from the personal version
How to remove or add a picture in the plot area?
When using Plot->Add Curve(s)… to add an extra curve and changing the plot type settings, the extra curve gets the same color as the first. How can this be fixed?
FAQ: Room Acoustics
FAQ: Applications
File menu
Edit menu
Toolbars menu
Setup menu
Measurement menu
Plot menu
Calculate Menu
Window Menu
Help Menu
Airborne Sound Insulation Measurement