In the current version of WinMLS, the magnitude compensation is called microphone compensation because it is most used to compensate for the microphone.
(Note: The Reference compensation shown above is always disabled, it is not yet implemented).
In order to do the compensation,
must be checked, then the
file containing the compensation data must be selected from the list
If no such file already exists for your microphone, it can be made.
The file must the frequency response (magnitude) of the microphone in dB and NOT the correction to be applied.
An example of the format of the file is shown below.
Transfer Function Mag - dB
First an optional line containing the title, then an optional line with the title of each of the two columns, then the data columns, frequency column first followed by the magnitude frequency response data. The data columns can be either comma or tab-separated.
You can use any frequencies when specifying the file as long as they are increasing, spline interpolation is used to calculate the needed frequencies.
Note: Because of the spline interpolation you should not have a large frequency range where there are no values and the upper and lower frequency must be present in the file (the lower frequency may be 20 Hz and the upper 20000 Hz).
The file must be saved with extension .txt and put in the WinMLs subfolder named Microphone Compensation.