Task: Compute the RT60 using a decay range of –5 to –20 dB.
To do this, we need to go to Room Acoustics->User Defined... to open the dialog box shown below
Here make sure the User Defined Reverberation Time is set to a decay range of –5 to –20. Note that it has to be checked as shown above. In addition, check the Clarity (C) parameter, since we need that for later. Finally click on the list shown above and select 50&80 since we want C50 and C80. You can get any C-value For example, if you rather want C48 and C84 you can instead write 48&84. All parameters that have time limits have user defined limits in WinMLS.
Now Room Acoustics->User Defined->Calculate will give you the result shown below
In the table above, T15 is the same as the RT60 using a decay
range of –5 to –20 dB. You can mark the numbers we need as shown above and click
the button. If you
paste it it will contain the octave bands in the range 125- 4000 Hz as shown