If fast plotting is required, first make sure you are using Fast Line as line type. This can be set at the bottom of Plot->Layout->Curve Styles and Colors…, in the Curve type list box shown below.
Note that these settings apply for the active plot type only. The plotting speed can be improved further by using two methods. The first method has no side effects and has a good effect on the speed; it is simply to set the curve width to size 1 as shown below.
If it is not set to width 1, the plotting will be slower. Make sure that all the curves in the dialog box have width 1. Also at the bottom of the dialog box, make sure that Emphasis active curve using width is turned off as shown below.
The other method gives very efficient plotting for large amounts of data, e.g. for large *.wav-files. From Plot->Layout->Advanced … check one of the check boxes shown below.
The lower check box limits the plotting range.
If the upper check box is checked, the points in between the points plotted are simply skipped independent of what part of the curve is displayed. This will affect all the plot-types originally having more elements than the maximum limit. Please note that the skipped points will not appear even if zooming in, therefore it is not recommended to use this option on a fast PC.
Finally the plotting after each measurement can be turned off
from Measurement->Measurement Tasks..., by making sure is selected.