The reason for doing this mixer calibration is that you can change your input or output gain steps from WinMLS while maintaining calibrated data. If not, you need to redo the calibration each time you change the input or output gain steps. This mixer calibration can only be done if your sound card supports the Windows mixer.
To do this for the input, go to
Measurement->Calibration… and click the button shown below.
Now follow the instructions to complete the calibration for the input mixer levels.
To do this for the output, repeat the same procedure for the output mixer levels by clicking the button shown below.
This calibration may not be possible for some sound cards. If the calibration is not successful you will be notified that it has failed.
Note: If you after testing different volume settings find that there is an error with the calibration, this may happen for the lowest volume settings and these should be deleted. To do this, go to the folder where WinMLS is installed and find the subfolder named Mixer. Open the calibration file for your sound card in a text editor, e.g. Notepad (right-click on the file and select Open with). When the file is opened, delete the part of the file which contains the error and save the file.