If you are not going to use WinMLS for performing the measurements, you can skip this section.
To get the best results, three things are important
1. Use
sine sweep as excitation signal (why will be explained in the following
2. Use as
long measurement duration as possible. With single sweep and sampling frequency
48 kHz you can try 40 or even 80 seconds. If the duration is too high, the PC
will work very slow or even crash Windows. It should help to add extra
PC-memory. You can also try to change from single to multiple sweeps , then you can use a much longer
duration. But the multiple sweep method is not so robust against time variance
which can be a problem in large rooms or if people are moving around or if there
is temperature changes during the measurement.
3. Make sure you have as high an output volume level as possible from the loudspeaker. If you are using a sine sweep as excitation signal, be careful so the volume is not too high that you damage the loudspeaker. If you are using MLS-noise as the excitation signal, avoid a too high output level to prevent distortion artifacts. You may experiment with different loudspeaker volume levels to see what level gives the best results.
Measurements using a loudspeaker