Calculates the reverberation times EDT, T30 and T20. An example of result is shown below.
EDT(s) is the 60 dB decay time calculated by a line fit to the portion of the decay curve between 0 and -10dB.
T30(s) is the 60 dB decay time calculated by a line fit to the portion of the decay curve between -5 and -35 dB. If the decay range is less than 35 dB, T30 is in WinMLS calculated using the decay range available. It is therefore important when using the T30, to keep an eye on the edr number to evaluate the quality. To be a valid T30 measurement according to the ISO 3382 standard, the edr should be displayed as 35dB or larger. If not, the number is displayed with red color in the table in the figure above.
T20(s) is the 60 dB decay time calculated by a line fit to the portion of the decay curve between -5 and -25 dB. If the decay range is less than 25 dB, the T20 is in WinMLS calculated using the range available and is displayed with red color in the table as shown in the figure above.
The decay time parameters are given in seconds.
Note: EDT is not displayed if the bandwidth 1/3-octave band is selected.