The room acoustics calculations can be initiated in three ways:
From the main menu, item Room Acoustics->Calculate.
Choosing Room Acoustics Parameters as plot type, either from Plot->Select Plot Type(s) and Active Measurement or the Plot Toolbar.
Checking Display selected room acoustics parameters at the bottom part of Measurement->Measurement Tasks.
In case 1, calculations are carried out when choosing Calculate, and results for the selected parameters are displayed in a text grid window and/or saved a text file according to the settings in Calculation Options.
In case 2 calculations are carried out each time plots are refreshed, and the result for the single selected parameter is plotted (the settings dialog box is displayed by double clicking in the plot). In both cases input responses are taken as active measurements as described above, and calculations are made according to the settings under the items Calculation Options and Parameter Settings in the Room Acoustics menu.
In case 3 room acoustics parameters are being computed and displayed to a grid when measurement files are inserted using File->Insert. If Room Ac. Parameters is selected as plot type, the selected parameter will be displayed in the plot as well according to case 2. Note that this will reduce the speed, since the computation will be performed twice.
Before parameter calculation, WinMLS automatically detects the start of the impulse response. This creates a reference for all subsequent time windowing and alignment of the response. Some parameters require impulse response energy to be calculated in time windows. All windowing is done before filtering to avoid energy leakage across window borders, even if this may increase the processing burden considerably. Then the impulse response is filtered in the specified frequency bands, the noise floor is optionally analyzed and compensated for, and a decay curve is calculated by backwards integration. The algorithms for the decay curve formation and parameter calculation are further described in the following subsections.
Errors leading to calculation abortion will prevent results from being presented and produce error messages explaining the situation.