Convert Measurement(s)...
Converts a measurement file of one of the supported formats to one of the other supported formats.
The dialog box above shows an example on how to convert three files of the format .wmb to .wav. The .wav-files are put under in the Target path.
Note that it is recommended that you normalize if converting to .wav-file by making sure is checked.
When clicking the files will be converted and a progress dialog will appear as shown below. This may be hidden behind the Convert Measurement(s) dialog box, but if there is errors in the conversion it will be displayed. It will also be displayed if you exit the Convert Measurement(s) dialog box
Please note that if you have a *.tim or *.wav file, you can insert/open it directly in WinMLS and do not have to do this conversion first.
When converting from *.wmb to *.tim, the MLSSA setup file ‘MLSSAsetupFile.set’ is used to determine the parameters that cannot be determined from the *.wmb file. The file ‘MLSSAsetupFile.set’ is found in the WinMLS folder and may be replaced if you wish to use other parameters.
If you have a *.wmb file and convert it to *.tim and then convert it back to *.wmb, some measurement information will be lost since the headers of these file formats do not contain the same settings.