How to perform a triggered measurement?
It is recommended that you have been using WinMLS somewhat (followed the measurement walk-through section).
On the Measurement Selection Toolbar, set the measurement mode to Triggered, no excitation (scope) as shown below
On the Measurement Settings toolbar, make sure that the number of averages is set to 1, as shown to the right in the figure below.
Set the sequence order to a length that corresponds to a larger length than the signal you are to record. If you use 16, as shown above, the measurement length is 1.365 sec.
In Plot->General Frequency Domain Settings... set scope mode to
Now make sure the input level is set high enough, but not overloaded. Do this by selecting Measurement->Test Current Levels and “play” the signal that is to be use for the measurement.
Finally, perform the measurement (Measurement->Start Measurement).
Note that at the left part of the Status Bar (usually positioned at the bottom) you will be notified when the measurement starts with a message that will look like “Recording 16 bits, 48 kHz, 1 ch.”.