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How to perform “Detailed Calibration”?


The advantage of doing the detailed level calibration is that you can, without doing any new calibration, switch between doing an electrical measurement, measure with pre-amplifier and measure with transducer.


If you are not already in the Input level calibration for channel 1dialog box, go there (Measurement->Hardware Calibration, click Settings… to the right of the Input calibration check box. Make sure that the list box named Type of calibration at the top of the calibration dialog box is set to Detailed Calibration.



The group box Detailed calibration contains the settings for this calibration type.



First determine what type of calibration you need. It is possible to calibrate the sound card and the transducer sensitivity. The pre-amplifier gain can also be specified.


If you want to determine the amplification of the pre-amplifier, we suggest that you do this manually by plotting the frequency response of the measurement system with and without the pre-amplifier. Note that the sound card calibration and the pre-amplifier gain and status (checked/unchecked) must be correct in order to get a correct calibration of the transducer sensitivity.



Sound card conversion calibration

Input transducer sensitivity calibration