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Relative calibration of mixer input


The WinMLS mixer controls the analog input amplifier of the sound card (some sound cards do not have a mixer, and some cards have a mixer that can not be controlled by WinMLS). The relative calibration uses a file containing the gain steps of the mixer for correction when the mixer gain is changed. So when a relative calibration has been done for the WinMLS mixer, changing the volume of the WinMLS mixer input will not affect the level of the measured transfer function. See FAQ for more information.



If checked, the relative calibration is performed using the correction file described below.

For selecting the correction file. If your sound card has two input lines, e.g. a microphone and line input, they will probably not have the same gain steps. Therefore, if you plan to switch measurement input line, the calibration file must be switched. How a correction file is generated is described below.

Click to generate a new input mixer correction file for the inputs and outputs selected in Measurement->Sound Card Settings. A dialog box will be displayed giving directions on how to perform the mixer input calibration. The procedure may take a few minutes. You will be notified when the calibration is finished.

Determines in what way the input levels are displayed. In the current version of WinMLS, it can only be displayed relatively with 0 dB as maximum (Full scale input). The maximum value of the input is found (within each average).