Show time window for active measurement
If checked, the time data window is displayed in the Time Data plot type as shown below. The time data window consists of the three yellow straight lines and it is valid for the active measurement. (there may be more than one measurement in the window and these may have different time data windows).
The window start and end points can be set directly by clicking and dragging with the mouse. In order to do this, the mouse pointer has to be exactly on top of the vertical line that is to be moved. The mouse pointer changes shape when it comes close to the limit.
In order to make sure auto-scaling of the y-axis can be effectively used, the vertical start and end lines are kept within the curve area. (The length is 10% larger than the minimum of the curve with the smallest y-value, and 10% less than the maximum of the curve with the greatest y-value.) The whole window is thus visible if auto-scaling is used.