When you have performed measurements in all windows, except window named Airborne_Result as shown in the figure below, the final results can be calculated.
Note! The order of the windows and titles may be slightly changed.
Before calculating, you must set the volume and area. To enter these data, you need to open the settings for computation. First click in the empty window named Airborne_Result shown below to make it active.
Then click on the button or use Plot->Add Curve(s)... to calculate and
plot the result.
If the Airborne Settings dialog box shown in the figure below is not opened automatically, Then go to Plot->Plot Type Settings->Insulation->Airborne … (or push Shift+Ctrl+A).
In this dialog box you can type the volume and area and select what parameter you want to plot. The reference reverberation time is usually set to 0.5 s; normally this number should not be changed by the user. This reference reverberation time will affect the D (D, Dn, DnTw) parameters only – not the R parameter (R).
Click to
close the dialog box.
Then the result should look something like below
You can perform more measurements or select which ones you want to include in the computation by using the checkboxes in the windows shown below.
To update the curves in the plot shown above, click in the
plot to make it active and then click the button (you may have to first delete using the
button for this to work).
Note: The refreshing of this plot behaves somewhat different than the normal plot types since the result depends on the content of the other windows.