In this chapter we will explain how to use WinMLS for various types of measurements. If your type of measurement is not fully covered in this section we still recommend that you follow this section to get familiar with using WinMLS.
Start WinMLS if it is not already running. Before you start, you should have installed your sound card. You must also set the sound card settings. On how to do this, see the Sound card settings section.
Warning: The output signal from the sound card may be as high as a few volts. Therefore, before you start any measurement, make sure you have not connected something that does not handle this voltage to the sound card output.
Measurement 1: Measuring the sound card response
Measurement 2: Measurements requiring input calibration
Measurement 3: A simple loudspeaker measurement
Measurement 4: Measure correct delay and frequency response using channel 2 as reference
Measurement 5: Measure correct frequency response and delay using internal reference
Measurement 6: Measure in a "safe" way using loop-back
Measurement 7: How to measure correct delay time when using the sound card mono microphone input
Measurement 8: Measuring 2 channels simultaneously
Measurement 9: Performing a triggered measurement (e.g. balloon burst, or pistol shot)
Measurement 10: Short guide to reverberation time measurements
Post-processing 1: Katz room acoustical parameters round robin (published in JASA)
Post-processing 2: Measurement System Comparison NPL Surrey 2002