Plotting – general information
Some general plot-settings are found on the standard toolbar to the right of the red stop sign. Important settings are found on Plot Toolbar (initially situated at the bottom). From the Plot Toolbar you can do all kinds of zooming, choose plot type, choose number of plots to be displayed (1 or 2) and open the settings dialog box for the active plot type.
How to display two plots simultaneously, e.g. the upper plot displaying frequency response and the lower phase response?
How to set the plot type (to e.g. phase response) and determine what measurement is to be plotted?
How to access the settings for the plot type?
If a setting is changed for the displayed plot-type, how are the curves belonging to the plot updated?
How to filter the measurement, e.g. using a BandPass filter?
If waterfall is plotted, how to read the waterfall slice values using the cursor?
If there are many lines in the waterfall plot, how to space the lines less close together?
When plotting waterfall, how to select the start point?
How to set the time data window when plotting in frequency domain? (determine part of the time data to be used when transforming to the frequency domain)?
Where are the cursor values (x,y) in the plot displayed?
Where is the wavelength displayed?
How to save the data in the plot?
How to save the plot as a picture?
How to view and manipulate the data of the plotted curves?
Why are plot toolbar axes limits not updated when a plot is zoomed or scrolled?
How to make calculations, such as average and difference on plotted curves?
How to plot a transfer function (e.g. room or loudspeaker measurement) in octave or third-octave bands?