Double-clicking in the plot will not open the plot type settings dialog
Opening/inserting .txt-files with first column x-axis and second column y-axis is not yet supported
Placing several toolbars together at the very top or bottom of WinMLS may not give same positioning on restart.
If the system is low on memory, e.g. after opening several programs, WinMLS may become unstable and crash.
Abnormal termination on shutdown
Exiting WinMLS when it is not maximized
Measurement->Set Automatic Input Level(s) is slow
Plot settings toolbar supports up to 4 decimals.
Auto-scaling of y-axis maximum value
A tip that will avoid WinMLS to crash
Special case: If two plots are displayed showing the same plot type.
Opening/inserting 24 bits .wav-files is not possible in this version
Refresh All will not update the colors correctly if there exists several curves of the same measurement.
If several curves are in the plot, it may happen that an error will occur in plotting Guidelines.
Disabling emphasis and system correction buttons